You are here: Stock Items > General Tab > Cost Prices

Cost Prices

Cost Prices Ex Tax can be entered to give you a profit margin beside each price level.






If the Stock Item is Indirect, these fields will be updated automatically from the Direct Item they are linked to.



Recalculate Sell Prices

This function is available in Idealpos v8 Build 9 and onwards.

When this option is selected and the Cost Price is changed, Idealpos will automatically recalculate the Sell Price of each Price Level.



The selected option (Don't Recalculate Sell Prices, Based on Profit % or Based on Profit $) will apply to all Stock Items.


The following options are available when recalculating Sell Prices:



To use this function, select the desired Recalculate Sell Price method.



Modify the Standard Cost, Last Cost or Average Cost.

Note that you will need to modify the Cost in the Cost field that corresponds to the setting configured in Global Options > Sales > Miscellaneous > Stock Item Profit Based On.

E.g. If the 'Stock Item Profit Based On' is set to Average Cost, then you will need to modify the Cost displayed in the 'Average Cost' field in order for the Sell Prices to be recalculated.


After the Cost Price has been modified, click the cursor into a different Cost field.

The Sell Price for each Price Level will be recalculated based on the Recalculate Sell Prices option and the Cost Price that was entered.